Merry Christmas My dearest brothers and sister in Christ, “For a child is born to us, a son is given us [today];upon his shoulder dominion rests.They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero...
Mis hermanos y hermanas, el consejo parroquial y yo los invito amablemente a cada uno de ustedes a participar en una ENCUESTA sencilla para ayudarnos a servir mejor a nuestra familia parroquial. Es...
My brothers and sisters the parish council and I are kindly asking each of you to take this simple SURVEY to help us better serve our parish family together. It is a very simple yet very important...
"If we want to have a good society, we must concentrate all our forces on the Christian education of the young. Experience has taught me that if we wish to sustain civil society then we should take good care of the young."
- St. John Bosco
Our Lady of the Valley Parish is conducted by the Salesians of St. John Bosco, following his teachings in giving back to the community and educating and working with today's youth.
Feel free to explore the website to find out more about the Parish's activities and stay up-to-date for future events - as all of the Parish's news and events will be published on here as well as on the Bulletin (which you can take a copy of at the end of every mass).
Please Note: Our Parish Policy states that every Catholic family or individual living within the parish boundaries must be registered. All address changes must be reported to the Rectory. You must be registered for Baptism, Marriage, and Religious Education.